Disable Chrome virus scan if Downloads stuck on Scanning for viruses message - Mitra Bisnis Masakini

Mitra Bisnis Masakini

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Disable Chrome virus scan if Downloads stuck on Scanning for viruses message

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When you lot download whatever file using the inbuilt downloader of a Google Chrome or whatever other spider web browser made alongside the Chromium engine – similar the novel Microsoft Edge, earlier the terminal completion of that download, it scans the file for a virus. But about users receive got been reporting a glitch for these Chromium browsers where the Scanning for viruses stage takes a real long fourth dimension or goes on indefinitely. The drive of this fault lies alongside a corrupted installation of the spider web browser. In this article, nosotros volition endure checking out how to ready this upshot on Windows 10.

Downloads stuck at Scanning for viruses message on Chrome

When you lot download whatever file using the inbuilt downloader of a  Disable Chrome virus scan if Downloads stuck on Scanning for viruses message

Disable Chrome virus scan

You tin effort the next suggestions:

  1. Disable the Virus Scan characteristic inward Chrome.
  2. Reset the Chrome browser.

1] Disable the Virus Scan characteristic inward Chrome

It is worth noting that this method volition trim down the secutity score of your PC – because fifty-fifty malicious files tin at ane time endure downloaded using the browser. But you lot should non endure worried if an antivirus is monitoring your estimator for threats exterior of the browser.

When you lot download whatever file using the inbuilt downloader of a  Disable Chrome virus scan if Downloads stuck on Scanning for viruses message

Select the Menu push on the overstep correct corner in addition to select Settings. Click on the Advanced button to navigate to the Privacy in addition to security section. Select the selection for Sync in addition to Google services.

Toggle the selection for Safe Browsing to be off.

Restart your browser in addition to your upshot should endure resolved.

This volition disable all malicious sites checks, phishing checks in addition to potentially malicious download checks.

2] Reset the Chrome browser

As a proper resolution, nosotros recommend that you lot reset Chrome browser or your  Microsoft Edge Chromium browser in addition to banking concern stand upwardly for if that fixes your issues.

You should banknote that this volition take all your browser information in addition to volition restore it to its out of the box experience.

I promise this guide helps you.

Source: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/

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